Wednesday, July 04, 2012

I returned from our summer vacation to find my first Speakeasy read in the mail, White Flour written by David LaMotte and illustrated by Jenn Hales.

After an overstimulating vacation in the Magic Kingdom, it was a refuge to cuddle up in bed with my 4 year old son one rainy afternoon and read this playfully poetic book. I enjoyed every page of this book, the illustrations are soft, not hard on the eyes and the rhyme can be seen on the faces of the clowns as they played with positivity against the negative forces of the KKK and all its hatred. 

The book is based on a true story of how a group of people responded to a racist rally in Knoxville, TN in 2007, but it also spoke to places in me that I have been opening for healing over the past few months. It spoke to me about anger and hurt that I have been carrying, and the message I received so clearly and beautifully this past Lenten season: Love over loathing. Grace over shame. Peace over chaos. 

I am so thankful for this reminder in my life, and that such a simple yet profound book happened to fall into my hands and into my heart. It will be such a great read with my older children (14 and 11), something that will help us remember how we want to approach adversity that exists around us and within us.

A big thanks to Speakeasy for the opportunity to read this book! This post is a review of my own opinion, I was not required to write a positive review upon receiving this book. To join Speakeasy, click on the link above.

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