Sunday, January 05, 2014


G-d sent for me this morning,
blew the mouth of our house open wide
fluffing its cheeks and nudging me
with life-saving air, crisp and cool
(as January is) and I move enough
to greet my maker with a morning yawn,
releasing the staleness of my own dreams
that fell awe-full
at the threshold of inside and out
as He, pardon me, They,
came winding through,
Spirit awakening the bells,
combing through the chimes,
conducting the hounds to key up
and wake the trees, reluctant as high-school boys
to do anything but flex and shoulder up to one another
growing used to their more manly stature
but still taking strength in numbers.
they circle, bend, resist, surrender and fine-tune 
to both the familiar and yet an altogether new day,
shake birds free to fuss about from branch to branch—
oh, the strength of limbs, I think as I agree in my soul
to a continual communion, becoming identified, known.

I threw off my cover, and met them in the middle of earth
to end my fast of words and join them in the clarity of morning:

You are, and I am alive…

Yes, me too.