Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hello blog. Sorry I have neglected's nothing personal, it's just that, well, I have been 'inward' as of late...trying to strip off all the things that try so hard to cling on to a person until they aren't sure who they are anymore.

I know. I know! It sounds drab, doesn't it. Low for sure. But I am doing ok. I am getting to know myself and have been sorting out which things are 'mine' and which things are not. Wow. It sounds selfish when I say it that way. Because what my heart hears me saying is "keep away from other people and manage your own life for a while". Which is sort of right but mostly wrong.

I have a big life to manage. A husband, three children and a part time job. I have never wanted to admit it is a lot to handle, but it is. I admit it! The two bigger kids need me to be near them after school and the little guy just keeps going and is definitely full, and wonderful.

Other big things have happened too. Just this year I have gained two cousins by marriage, a step-mother and step-sister, a sister-in-law and two nephews...oh, and one biological grandfather. Life you are certainly surprising!!

In the past two years I have:
I changed churches, three times.
I testified in a murder trial.
I was in a car accident.
Become the mother of a teenager
I learned that being a vegan isn't working for me anymore.
I have lost and gained friends. To the ones that seem lost, I still love you and think of you. To the ones that are loving and holding me now, I am so thankful.

Which includes you, dear blog, who helps me to reflect on what is happening and slow down long enough to record it. That's a snippet, anyway, of what has been and what is...I hope to write you again soon.

I love,
and I live to love,

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